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Week 3 Prompts:

  • Describe what you accomplished at your internship this week. Be specific in describing the knowledge you have gained and the skills you have developed.

  • Discuss a difficult, challenging and/or awkward situation you faced at your internship and describe how you handled it. What have you learned from this experience?

  • How is your internship changing your impression of your career field/industry as a whole?



I've designed some basic models for Walden Wood's postcards and brochures for the opening of their farm. It was good to practice working with a design platform (Canva), and it was important that I practiced using creativity to the  specifications of the company.


Working with a dell and the built in windows was a bit challenging since I am accustomed to  apple.  I was able to download all the images that I wanted to edit with the features Mac offers by downloading items into folders, solving the issues of editing limitations. 


definitely think I can work in the design (graphic - advertisement) field if I can learn the business concepts additionally (meaning business and sales literacy that I can learn through college courses.) I feel like I can translate my creativity into at the advertisement of any product and be able to at least get a viable product out in rotation for a company. 

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