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The first week, I helped scan historical documents and photographs for a project my company is working on. I also helped look for quotes in Thoreau's journals to put on The Walden Woods Project website. Additionally, I sat in on one of my mentor's discussion with a high school group about Thoreau as they have been studying him and reading some of his works. It was really interesting to watch him talk to the students and engage them in what he had to say about Thoreau. Also, it was inspiring to hear about his story of how he came to work at the company and why Thoreau was so intriguing to him. 


This company is a nonprofit organization that helps preserve the land, literature, and legacy of Thoreau. Preservation is really important because it gives the chance for people to learn about Thoreau's work and his way of thinking and writing.


The work environment is pretty casual and so is the dress attire. What I like about working here is that I am given a lot of freedom to explore the material given by the different tasks given to me. When I had to scan documents for one of the projects, I was able to explore and choose what I wanted to scan. This was also true for the quotes. I was able to chose ones that I liked and found interesting. I had a lot of freedom to apply my own opinions on whether or not the information I was looking at was relevant or provided a new insight to the project I was working on

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