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My third week of internship ended with a blocked cat and a canine dental cleaning on Friday.


This week I completed a Purina Proplan Continuing Education course online during the times that the practice wasn't as busy. Through this course, I learned about the dietary needs of dogs and cats and the important role that nutrition plays in maintaining a healthy animal. Later in the week, I read several articles on common diseases in puppies, such as Giardia and Parvovirus. These articles helped me to better understand a puppy that came in with Giardia. 


In addition to gaining knowledge of diet and disease, I learned how to effectively draw fluid into a syringe. This is an important skill to have as a vet or vet tech, as many different drugs and solutions are kept in bottles. I continue to learn more about the lab setting and how to run different blood tests. 



This week I had a somewhat awkward experience with a client. Because I am in scrubs, some clients assume that (although I am an intern) I can give them information on what is wrong with their dog/cat/animal. Unless the veterinarian specifically tells me to say something to them, however, I do not have the knowledge or credibility to answer their questions. Experiencing moments like these have taught me how to be professional yet honest about my role in the practice.


My internship experience is providing a lot more insight into the business aspect of running a veterinary practice, and how a knowledge of medicine isn't the only important part of being a vet.

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