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The internship program has provided me with a

unique opportunity to become a part of the veterinary world.

Over the course of the past four weeks, I have been introduced to more aspects of veterinary medicine than I could have hoped to be at this point in my life. Working with the staff at Powder Mill Animal Hospital and Backstretch Veterinary has given me clarity and confidence in my decision to pursue a veterinary degree. The more time I spent with these companies, the more excited I become to practice.


This experience has allowed me to look at different kinds of medicine with very different kinds of work environments. I have learned that, for the most part, I prefer to be working outside with the ability to move around and travel, just as the ambulatory practice of Backstretch. However, I also enjoy the more predictable schedule of the office environment at Powder Mill. I am grateful to be able to make comparisons such as these through this program. However, some things do remain constant no matter what kind of animal(s) a veterinarian serves, such as coming into contact with just about as many people as animals. One of the first things that my mentor told me about being a vet was that it is just as important to be a people person as an animal person, and I believe that is great advice. In order to be a great vet, you have to be able to communicate effectively with the ones caring for the animals. They are, after all, the ones who pay.


My Tip for Future Interns: Take the time to think about where you want to work/what you want to do - don't just do the internship program for the sake of getting out of school. If you are placed in something that you are really interested in, then you will have an amazing experience!

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