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Self Accomplishments 

This particular week has gone by a little smoother than the ones before it, considering that i'm now memorizing classroom routines, and expectations. Kindergarten is an interesting age group, and so far this job has taught me how to think on my feet. These kids are filled with curiosity and being able to act fast and effectively are essential in such an environment. Kids at this age do say "the darnist things" and being able to respond with the appropriate information is of high importance.


Unexpected twist

One of my most awkward situations I ran into this week was working with the fifth grade SBA*  program. When a teacher and student got into a pretty heated disagreement. With such a far off age gap between teachers and students sometimes things can easily get misinterpreted or taken in ways they aren't intended to be. Being a teacher this particular student felt more comfortable talking to, I stepped in and decided to remove the student from the classroom in order to let them cool off and be heard in a more controlled setting. This situation has taught me proper deescalation tactics that could be beneficial somewhere else down the road. 


Potential change?

Thus far I don't want to change my plans for the nearby future, I'm still very much interested in helping and understanding the prospective of youth throughout their early on stages of life and influence of ideas.

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