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1). Summarize what your internship has taught you about yourself and your career and industry as a whole.

2). Provide an internship tip for future interns

The biggest thing that I have learned about my career from this internship, is the fact that although attorneys do a lot of hard work, most of the paperwork and evidence that they present before a judge is obtained from another court official. Over the course of the internship, I have learned that a majority of the work an attorney needs to complete prior to a hearing or trial, is done by someone else at the courthouse. If a lawyer wants a full police report or criminal docket to review, they have to request it from the clerk's office, and a clerk will be the ones to get it. If a lawyer wants a probation contract or any probation related documentation, they have to request it from the probation department, and a probation officer will be the one to get it from the attorney. On it's surface, the job of an attorney looks somewhat easy, but the only reason why it seems that way is because of the amount of work that is done behind the scenes. A thing I learned about myself was that you get as much out of something as you put into it. One thing that I really wanted to understand how to do, was look through a case file and be able to find an active arrest warrant. For many of the case files I looked through, it was difficult to tell whether or not someone had an active arrest warrant. However, after looking through a couple of cases and asking questions when necessary, I was able to go through 500+ cases and easily pull the ones that had active arrest warrants. 


Tip for future interns: The only way that you will truly enjoy your internship experience is if you are doing what you enjoy and if you build strong relationships with those that you work with. When you build those strong relationships, is builds a sense of trust and professionalism between you and those you work with. The only way you will get the absolute most out of anything you do is if it is something you enjoy doing. If you're interested in a medical career in the future, then don't intern at a marketing agency – you will most likely not enjoy it and you won't get what you want out of the experience. 

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