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Session 5: Small Claim Matters 

Small Claim matters are held in Session 5 on Mondays and Thursdays from 9 am to 11 am.  The small claims are civil matters that involve a small amount of money typically $7,000 or less due to contract dispute or personal injury claims. During small claims matters, the clerk is the fact finder and decision maker. If both parties are present then the magistrate will suggest mediation before it is heard. If parties come to an agreement, then the defendant will be ordered to make monthly payments and a review date will be set in place. If parties don't come to an agreement then a trial will be held typically the same day. The plaintiff will present their case first because they must demonstrate defendants legal liability which may include evidence such as receipts, photos, witnesses. The defendant will present their allegations that may include other evidence attempting to discredit the plaintiff's statement. If witnesses are brought before the court they will be sworn in and both parties are allowed to question the witness as one would in a trial. Once the clerk has taken all of the allegations into consideration he/she will ask follow-up questions if need be. The clerk will notify both parties that a decision will be made within 10 days and only the defendant can appeal their decision. 

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