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Throughout my internship I have learned just how much time these jobs are spent on computers. Whether it is writing fund proposals, coding or designing programs or questionnaires, analyzing results, or any other job you may do here, it is done on a computer. Everyone is proficient in coding and excel and works with at least two monitors. Any aspect about the center, psych or engineering, relies on technology. It is clear that this is the real future of the industry and any research. 

To future interns: Don't always expect exciting jobs. Being an intern where there are a lot of really smart people means you cannot do a lot of work they do. The jobs you are left with are simpler or maybe even difficult, but you will not be the leading the charge in the research area. Instead you will do lots of data analysis and other jobs that are time consuming and not too exciting. However, the experience is still incredible and not a lot of people get to do it, and the work you do saves the researchers a lot of time to keep researching.

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