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Week 1:


I’m not entirely sure what I expected coming into this internship, but so far, working at the Concord District Court has been great.


In my first week, I met judges, attorneys, clerks, probation officers, and security personnel. Each day of my first week observing in the courtroom, I was given a packet that outlined the daily schedule so that I could follow along with what was taking place. I saw lots of OUI, restraining order, probation violation, and drug offenses. It all felt a bit like a less dramatized episode of Law and Order.


Friday, the day that I actually started, I was introduced to some of the work done in the clerk’s office. I helped with administrative tasks like marking up records and checking for docket numbers. It was a taste of some of the work I will most likely do in the coming weeks. The following Tuesday I was able to sit in and watch a jury trial, which was very interesting. I saw how the judge and attorneys select jurors and conduct a trial. The rest of the week I also helped with inventory work.


Everyone that I have encountered so far has been unbelievably kind and patient, encouraging me to ask questions and expand my knowledge. The atmosphere is professional, with a metal detector, security, and lots of suits, but everyone’s acceptance of me has made me feel comfortable. I am excited for what the rest of my time here has in store!

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