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Tell us about your first week

  • Describe the specific tasks you performed your first week.

  • Describe your work environment (formal, casual, dress attire, etc.) What do you like about where you are working?

  • What type of product/service does this company provide?

I work at the Edge in Bedford, MA.  It's a sports center, specializing in ice hockey.  My job asks me to review inventory, check rosters of the Wizards hockey teams, organize the teams' equipment and the medical insurance forms for each player.  I work with two other CCHS seniors.  There are days when we spend a great deal of time cleaning and organizing..


The environment has a casual dress attire. The air is cold, so I have to dress for the temperature. The setting is quiet because I leave with the other senior interns before the players arrive.


I like the casual vibe, but there are days when the work is boring.  For example, mid-week we had to count hundreds of socks, match them by size and bin them.  However, at the end of the week, I enjoyed learning about the procedures for player injuries--how the player is t riaged for treatment and how the team proceeds down a player.  Since I wish to study healthcare, it's these aspects of the job that intrigue me the most.

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