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Week Three

My third week was kind of a combination of two so I will be talking about the experiences from both as if they were one. Although my school didn't require me to work over April break with my internship I decided to anyway as I find the work genuinely enjoyable. 
I worked regularly during the week of break and got better with producing consistent training data. Precision is very important when training AI as inconsistent methods of labeling data leads to an AI's predictions being "confused" so to speak. I regularly check over labeling I've already done to see if it needs tweaking because of a new understanding I may have gained. 
The main highlight of both weeks was meeting with the fellow AI annotators working at the company via a large Microsoft Teams meeting. We started the meeting with introductions and then proceeded to learn more about the theory behind AI from the head of AI development. I found it really interesting and I only wish I had asked more questions. 
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