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I have finished most of my website training and have begun to do research to help design and fill the website with content. More Specifically, I have begun going through resources and labeling them with filters which can be very time consuming. I have also met most of the team as well as some upper management. 


One challenge I faced was getting my accounts set up for various activities. All of my work is done through my work computer and completely virtual. Although this allows for a lot of freedom in when/where I work, it can be hard when I run into problems that I am unable to fix myself. To fix these challenges, I reach out to my manager or the virtual HelpDesk, but those are not immediate fixes, so essentially my work is on pause. 


My intership is helping me get a better view at how a professional and organized company runs. I get to understand how work is done efficiently and how dealines are met. I am also practicing my professional itneractions with my colleagues which is great preparation. 

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