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By far the most challenging aspect of our internship so far has been the hockey league Jack and I decided to create. With the help of the boss of our company, Jack I are pushing to make a relaxed, but fun hockey league for kids our age through college. (17-22) After high school there is no where to play hockey outside of men's league, that is what we are hoping to change.


Our supervision is formal for the most part. We have an awesome boss who is very helpful with the creation of the league and always brings up good points in discussion. With that being said we are also given a lot of freedom on this project, and it is mainly on us to get the word out about the league and market it ourselves. This has been a huge dip into the water in the field of marketing.


 As mentioned above, running something as small as an adult hockey league shows you how much organization goes into owning a powerful company. Focus is key, and marketing without large sums of money, or a marketing team, is a lot harder than it looks.

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