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This week I finished my 4th pullback file and I've started working on the biggest pullback I've encountered so far. This pullback has 813 images with a lot of stent I need to label in over 600 images. I've never labeled stent before which look like little lines surrounding that inside of the lumen that has a beam of light following it out of the lumen. I also need to fix the lumen on almost all of the images which take a lot of time. I usually complete an average of 175 images in 3 hours each day, but now I can only complete around 100 images each day in this file. After working on these pullbacks for a long time, I've developed my own way of getting the images labeled more productively. Instead of going through each images and labeling everything I see, I first go through 25 images fixing the lumen, then I go back and label the catheters, and so on. 




Difficult Situation

I haven't encountered many difficult situations. A few times I wasn't sure if I was labeling correctly, but it was easy for me to ask someone about it.

After the finished pullbacks were reviewed by the team I received a lot of feedback. I realized I've been putting little "dimples" while circling the guide wires and to be consistent I should have them circled like a blob. I also learned that some of the side branches merge together and should be labeled separately.

How Has This Internship Changed My Impression Of My Career Field?

This internship is a great opportunity for me to explore the Biomedical branch of engineering. Before I chose to major in Mechanical Engineering in college I was struggling to choose between Biomedical and Mechanical. I really enjoyed designing mechanisms and building them, but I also found interest in medicine and biology, so it was a tough decision. It is a great experience so far to get to work with the AI training team and understand the images of the heart vessels. 

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