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Week Four

This Weeks Prompts:

  • What was the most rewarding work activity you performed this week?

  • What have you learned about how you handle stressful work situations?

  • What skills have you acquired at this point that makes you think you will be successful in a position in this industry?

The most rewarding task I completed this week was finishing my list of press contacts for a woman named Adrienne. She is working to launch her website called Turning Life On. I had to come up with a list of contacts to reach out to in order for her to get her mission heard. This task was difficult in finding certain newspaper publishers contact information. We were able to reach all out all the way to a community in Spain! That felt so rewarding to me, I can not begin to imagine how that made her feel to see her company going global. 

For next week, I will begin working on a one pager mission statement explaining what the company is esentially trying to achieve. This statement will be sent out to all of the campion leaders involved in the company. 

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