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  • Summarize what your internship has taught you about yourself and your career and industry as a whole.

Over the course of my time here I have taken part in a variety of the projects completed at Brown Aviation Lease and Acend. With that level of engagement, I have learned a more than few things about the process. The first of which is the importance of the bigger picture. When I first started out I felt like everything I was doing was repetitive and menial yet as time went on I could see how everything I was doing had contributed to the launch of their website. This also helped me understand that the machine of 'business' isn't one big cog, rather a thousand little cogs that keep it all running. No matter how small everything has some level of significance. Secondly, I have learned the importance of a smoothly flowing timeline. Seeing that their website is set to officially launch soon, the other interns and I got a first-hand view of where careful planning truly comes into play.

  • Provide an internship tip for future interns

Probably the most important thing I could say to future interns would be to ask questions. If you don't and complete your work silently then you put yourself at risk to make a load of mistakes. Trust me when I say this, your supervisor wants your work to be completed correctly just as much as you do, if not more. So don't be afraid to ask any clarifying questions if you don't understand the assignment at hand.

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