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Week 5:

Although the work that I have been doing has been time-consuming, hard, and frustrating at times, it has also been really rewarding. I can get really stressed and annoyed during some projects, but at the end of the day, I always remember the greater impact of what I am working on and how it’s benefiting the environment long-term (a solar panel can last over 30 years). Before this internship, I had no idea how fast the solar energy field was growing, but every week I get about 4 or 5 new projects, and this makes me realize how much companies like 621 Energy do for our planet. It is really good to know that people are changing their mindsets and are starting to accept the idea of solar energy. It is also great to think that I am helping decrease our carbon footprint and helping our ecosystem heal by contributing to the switch to solar-powered facilities.


If you are planning on doing an internship for fourth quarter, try to do something that will help you in your plans for the future, and that feels rewarding and keeps you motivated. On top of that, know that the work will change throughout your time and will likely get harder, but it will become easier to manage as it goes.

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