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Week 6:

One of the things that I liked the most and that really made this experience rewarding was knowing how much 621 Energy and I were helping the environment, and although this is a fairly small company, they have a lot of customers. On top of that, the solar industry has been in constant growth since the 2000s, and since 2012, there has been a spike in solar panel installation. Companies like 621 Energy increase the demand for solar energy because people start to realize that they are easy to install and maintain. As its popularity grows, people notice that they are an affordable option for renewable energy that will also have a more positive, long term, financial, and environmental effects over any other source of energy. 


Over the time I’ve spent working at this internship, I was able to learn a lot. The eight-hour photovoltaic course, the meetings I had, the models I designed, the spreadsheets I made on excel, and all the sites that I monitored and administered gave me a lot of work experience and also taught me a lot.

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