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Week 3

One of the things that I enjoyed the most about my internship was learning what goes on in an Army research base. Hearing and learning about all the different types of projects that are going on is really interesting and all of the new material technologies that are being developed are really cool. One thing that I did not really like about my internship, although was probably good to learn, was how long it takes for anything to get done. For example, it took 3 weeks for me to get my CAC card and computer because I had to go through so many security clearances and there was just a lot of processing time that took multiple days which was really slow and annoying. 
After working at my internship I think that I might take some classes in college that are related to it. I learned that the college that I am going to allows you to minor in a course called "Military Sciences" and the classes in it are a lot like what I was doing at my internship, so that might be a possibility for me in my future. 
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