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week 3

The third week of my internship concluded with more of the same; I continue to make progress on my Cyber Investment Planning tool while absorbing and trying to take in stride the ups-and-downs of a virtual internship. 

My work, as I've detailed in previous posts, is concentrated on web design. I've been building a dynamic form/user interface to help sponsors decipher what MITRE software might work best for their situation and figure out where they along in the process they are. This has been rather tedious work because I've been building it from scratch, without popular frameworks like AngularJS, nodeJS, etc, that are often used to build similar tools. Thus, much of my time has been spent just researching the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then trying to debug problems and get everything to look the way I want it. For these reasons, week 3 felt like a bit of a bump in the road. It seemed like I did not make much progress because I was concentrated on the styling aspects of the website rather than making in roads on the actual threads. 

Nonetheless, my team of mentors and advisors at MITRE continue to encourage me and be very accommodating and supportive, especially given the uncharted territories surrounding the virus. We still have our meetings every Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and they are always reachable via Skype or Microsoft Teams. I actually accidentally overslept my Thursday morning meeting this week, which was quite embarrassing, but they brushed it off and just emailed me the notes from the meeting. I look forward to making more progress next week!

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