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I had a great second week at Commodore. I continued to work on many of my tasks from last week while also starting some new ones like editing and adding to engineering drawings. So far some of the hardest tasks for me have been working in a more efficient manner as everything at Commodore happens at a really fast pace. Meeting deadlines while also touching base with my supervisor to make sure I am doing everything correctly has been challenging. However, it has been slowly getting easier as I spend more time working there, and I have started to enjoy the quick pace a lot more.


I really enjoy my supervisor's management style as he is laid back but also always on top of things. As I mentioned above, there are always a lot of things happening at once from different jobs, but he is able to keep track of it all and make steady progress. It also helps me a lot know what needs to get done and when the deadline is so that I can prioritize my work as well.


Something new I have learned is the hierarchy of elements that go into a building. Among the six major components (Steel, electrical, mechanical pipe, fire protection, ductwork, and plumbing) that Commodore works with there is a certain order in which they are added to the building and order in which they can be moved if there are clashes between the two. This was really nice to know when going into meetings where the clashes and their solutions were being discuessed.

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