Throughout the week I performed a lot of tasks which I have never done before. I began to step out of my comfort zone and help the students inside the classroom instead of quietly take notes in the back of the class. I am super proud of myself for doing this because I was super nervous to do so. After all, I am an authority in the classroom, I don't completely feel like one because it is still all very new to me. Throughout my time here I have learned how to deal with stressful situations in different scenarios. These situations can range from not knowing the answer to a question all the way to trying to keep up with the teacher. I think the best way I have learned to deal with situations like this is to stay calm and try my best to keep up. If I can't keep up I have learned that I can stay after class and ask for a copy of the material learned so I can then finish in my free time. Having these skills makes me feel more confident in my potential to be a part of this industry because I have learned not to get stressed out when things get overwhelming. If I stay calm then the students will stay calm, I try my best to set a great example for the kids.