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​One of the most challenging aspects of the internship has been being able to read and adapt to the style of each client. Each client that comes in has a different style of working out and socializing. Some like to converse and socialize while working out, while others just like to focus on the workout. Because the client's style can change so drastically from one to the next, it is important to be able to figure out what they want and change the way you interact with them. This also becomes easier as you begin to get to know them better. 


​I would describe my supervisor’s management style as pretty informal. Fitness Together fosters an environment where the management style can be informal while still keeping the business running smoothly and efficiently. Since there are not very many employees, there are fewer people to keep track of and it’s much easier to get everyone on the same page. Because everyone knows what needs to happen for the business to function, the management style can be a lot more casual. I also think that good relations among the employees are necessary to create the positive atmosphere that it has. If the management style was too formal, Fitness Together would feel much less inviting and completely different. 



Something new that I learned about Fitness Together and small business, in general, is how much collaboration and involvement everyone working there has to have. At Fitness Together, because there are only six employees, everyone has to pitch in in other areas besides just their personal training sessions. For instance, everyone does cleaning when they have free time because since they are a small business, they don’t want to use money on cleaning people. 

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